Indulge in high-quality underwear that fits your needs every day – from dry days to discharge, periods, postpartum and incontinence. Our designs are crafted to provide comfort and style for all body shapes and sizes, while eliminating unnecessary synthetic fibres, so you can bleed, leak, or just live, well.

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We want you to have the best experience and fit.

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The underwear your body always wanted, but never had.
The underwear your body always wanted, but never had.
The underwear your body always wanted, but never had.


Why we don't call ourselves sustainable

The apparel industry leaves a deep imprint, impacting not only the planet, but also the people who produce and consume its products. Producing pretty much anything requires a lot of...

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Why choosing the right clothes size online can be tricky — and what to do about it

Hands down, it's not always the easiest to choose the right size when shopping online, and it’s so annoying having to return a purchase due to a wrong choice of...

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Eliminating the choice between what works and what feels good

Hala underwear is designed and developed in-house by our core team – women who have discharge and periods. We know on our own bodies what does not work when it...

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